Welcome to our home page

This website will close on 4th August 2024.

NDGC wishes to offer sincere thanks to Doug Cheer who owns, and who has maintained the website for many years.

Please search for Norfolk Goat Club for the new website which is currently being set up.

(Mary Blackie July 2024)

The Norwich and District Goat Club was established in 1949 to bring together goat keepers with goats of all kinds, to share ideas, to buy and sell equipment and stock, and to acquire or dispense knowledge and expertise. If you are new to goat keeping or you are thinking of keeping goats, and need advice, the club is here to help. - New members are always welcome. If you are an established goat keeper, the club is still there to support you by connecting you with like-minded people. Throughout the year we organise and/or attend shows, socials and special events which promote goat keeping and the use of goat products. With our goats we are often invited to attend public events such as Christingle and Harfest at Norwich Anglican Cathedral, Spring Fling at the Royal Norfolk Show Grounds, school educational visits etc.

In addition, we produce a quarterly newsletter, and throughout the year we send regular information emails to members. Our website offers a free advertising service for members and publishes useful information including a diary page of club and other activities, training courses, items for sale or wanted, news of events and activities that have taken place involving our goats, links with other goat keepers and/or goat keeping businesses and a little bit about the history of the club.

Whatever your interest is in goats and goat keeping, The Norwich and District Goat Club has something for you.

At the Annual General Meeting 2023, the reviewed Rules and Regulations of the club were unanimously agreed. Please click here for a copy of them.

If you would like to join the club, please download a membership form via the link below and follow instructions for making payment and returning the form to the membership secretary.

If you are renewing your membership, (due on 1st January every year) then no new form is needed each year but if you open up the link below, the form will give you details of how to make payment by cheque or BACS.

Click here for membership form.

NDGC run a 100 club. This gives us the chance to have a bit of fun each month as we use the computerised random number generator to find a winner who will then receive a small cash prize. If you would like to join the 100 club (it is open to members AND non members) click here to find out more.

This is the Norwich and District Goat Club committee for the year 2023-24

President – Sally Wilman

Sally has been involved with NDGC for many, many years and has held a number of officer’s roles including newsletter editor! Her knowledge of goat husbandry is extensive. That and her continued active involvement with the club, and her keen support for and with goat showing, saw her appointed as President to the club last year. She lives in North Norfolk and breeds Golden Guernseys and Saanens.

(Written by me - Mary. Any errors are mine alone)

Vice President – Linda Gibbons

I was treasurer of the Norfolk and Norwich Goat Club for many years before handing over thankfully to Malcolm. My first experience of goat keeping was as a teacher when assisting the Head of Rural studies at a comprehensive school in Essex, which involved taking turns at milking, feeding and general care of the goats at weekends. After moving with husband David to a 3 acre smallholding in Norfolk I became a goatkeeper in my own right, keeping at first British Saanen and Golden Guernsey goats, then of necessity because of foot and mouth, crossing breeds leading to British Guernseys. Persuaded to show by Diane Parker I eventually showed the first British Guernsey to appear at the Royal Norfolk Show (gaining a BCC to my delight).Now retired from goatkeeping, I live a happy life growing all her own vegetables.

Vice President - Will Stevenson

Will is a vet working at Three Rivers Veterinary Surgery based in Beccles. Will has shown a great interest in goats over the years and has supported many goat keepers across Norfolk. He has given many talks on goat keeping, kidding, health and management for the club and due to his support for the club, he was appointed as Vice President some years ago.

(Written by me - Mary. Any errors are mine alone. No photo available)

Committee Chair – Richard Brightwell

Having wanted a pet goat since I was a child, I finally started keeping goats about 13 years ago. I still have 1 of the first goats “Blodwyn” a Boar/Golden Guernsey X with horns - not beautiful, useful or particularly friendly, yet still very much the head of the herd and much loved! Alongside her we now keep some pedigree goats British Alpine, British Toggenburg, Golden Guernsey, and British Saanen, all of which are BGS registered pedigree goats and have, in their time, been show goats or will be in the future. We also have a selection of ‘randoms’ - some pedigree some not! Some have horns.

When I met Mark he quickly learnt that goats were part of the deal, and although he wasn’t going to get involved, he now has 7 goats of his own. In total we currently have 34 goats (the numbers slowly creep up).

We primarily keep the goats for milk, meat, and showing (when I feel like it), but increasingly just because we love having them about and I am not sure I would enjoy life as much without them, or have made so many good friends because of them.

Secretary, Vice Chair and Education Officer – Zoe Mitchell

I live in north Norfolk with my family and we have just moved into our renovated barn. I have been a member of the NDGC for 15 years and am currently the Education Officer. At present I have BA, BT, Saanen , Boer, and Boer X AN goats. My herd prefix is Moorend.

I use some of the milk to make hand cream, moisturisers, soaps and shampoo bars (Moorend Moisturisers). These I sell locally at farmers’ markets and on line. I also make cheese and kefir for the family. I do enjoy showing but prefer the more informal club shows which I find are less nerve wracking. The social side of showing is great fun and I have made lots of life-long friends.

We also have 2 donkeys, 3 dogs and several chickens.

Treasurer – Malcolm Blackie - and Newsletter Editor and Publicity Officer – Mary Blackie

Malcolm is Treasurer of the club and Mary, who is not a committee member, is Newsletter Editor and Publicity Officer.

Mary says: We have six goats which are AOVs but they are mostly Toggenburg. Two are milking goats and I make soft and hard cheeses, yoghurt, ice cream and soap with the milk. I have always been 'nutty' about goats and goats milk products so Malcolm has to be too! We live in the central area of Norfolk and besides the goats, we have sheep, horses, hens, a dog and a cat.

Member - Creena Hancock

My love of goats goes way back to the eighties, growing up on the family farm I was fortunate enough to be allowed to keep my own goats and breed from them under the watchful eye of my dad. Moving forward to the present day I have a herd of pedigree breeding Anglo Nubians, located on the Suffolk/Norfolk border not far from Bury St Edmunds. I absolutely love kidding time with my nannies and seeing the vast array of Anglo Nubian colour variations that come through.

I live with my husband Thomas and our two young children along with a flock of chickens, a tankful of tropical fish and the family cat.

Committee member - Lynn Jermy

I have kept goats for around 35 years with British Saanens for the first ten years or so and then for the last 25 years Anglo Nubians have dominated the herd. This was not intentionally, but just the way the births and deaths have occurred. Of births there is sometimes a disappointing lack of female kids and the deaths never get easier, and your heart gets broken again. We also have two dogs, two cats, my husband has large flock of Southdown sheep and we have ducks, chickens, aviary birds, and a pair of black swans. It’s lovely to watch the swans preening their feathers in the rain. They have been very distressed as the pond had dried up for the first time in many years. I am not as mobile or strong as I used to be so slowly I will be returning to the British Saanens as hopefully they will be a little easier to manage. I love my Nubians, but they are strong to hold. Though home routines can be a little more difficult, I am just not ready to give up goats and showing just yet.

Member – Sarah Porter

I work as a freelance therapist, and also a children's social worker. In my spare time I play with my animals on my little hobby farm and my four grandchildren help too. I have the naughtiest 5 goats on the planet! They are pygmies who spend their life trying, and often succeeding, in escaping. I have a tiny flock of rare Devon and Cornwall long wool sheep. Add to that 1 pony, ducks and chickens and a pet pig, as well as required dogs, cat and fish, and that is me. - Totally frazzled but I love it.

Member – Frances Martyn

I am an ordinary member of the committee without special office. I have had my mother and daughter Golden Guernsey x Boer goats for 5 years. They are not cooperative milkers, but in summer sometimes provide ½ pint a day!

I live in South Norfolk, and in addition to the goats, I am kept out of mischief by 9 hens, 6 Ouessant sheep, an elderly whippet, and a dachshund puppy. I still feel rather a beginner goat keeper, but am delighted to help new owners and fellow club members in any way I can.

More information will be added as it becomes available.